Excerpt from this book:
Before any deliverance can truly be accomplished, you must be honest with yourself, recognizing that you should confess your needs. You must stop pretending that everything is all right when it isn't. You must humble yourself and seek help. Don't let pride become a stronghold! Pride is a thief, and many people have become poor by trying to appear rich. Until you are willing to admit that you need deliverance, you will never be free from Satan's strongholds.
Only by pride cometh contention; but with the well advised is wisdom - Proverbs 13:10
Face your financial difficulties today! Admit when you need a harvest. Admit to yourself and to God that you have mismanaged your money, and you want help. If you have been withholding tithes and offerings, get on your knees now and ask God for forgiveness. It's not too late. Mean it with all your heart. You don't have to confess in front of a large crowd. Go to a special quiet place to be alone with God and pour out your heart to Him. You don't have to be afraid. Remember, you are crying your heart out to the One who already knows your situation and knows the way of escape. He has been waiting on you to confess your way into salvation from bondage!